
Bar Nothing


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50 mins1921/10/02


Ranchers Bess Lynne and her invalid brother, Harold, seek the services of a competent foreman. Duke, of the "Bar Nothin'" ranch, rides into town and takes the job. Crooked cattle buyer Bill Harliss, aided by Bess's unscrupulous suitor, Stinson, tries to coerce the Lynnes to sell their herd at a low price. Duke learns of their scheme and forces him to buy the cattle at its full market value. As retribution, Stinson robs Duke and leaves him in the desert to die, but the foreman catches a stray horse and returns to the ranch. Stinson convinces Bess and Harold to return East with him, claiming that Duke has stolen their money and escaped into Mexico. As the train leaves the station, Duke chases and subdues Stinson, winning Bess for himself.

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