
The Fisherwoman


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10 mins1915/10/31


The Fisherwoman was a dominant force on the busy island. Unaided she had built up a large business. She employed many fishermen, and grew wealthier year by year. She sent her son to college, and was delighted when he told her, after graduation, that he intended to help her in the work. Contact with the world, however, had spoiled him for a narrow life. The mother divined his secret, although he tried to hide it. "You have your own life to live, my son," she said, "and I would not keep you here." The son's progress in business was rapid. One day word came from him that he was married, and he sent his mother the picture of his bride. Time passed, and the son wrote more and more infrequently. The mother believed that the wife was to blame, and although they had never met, she began to hate her bitterly.

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