The events of the series revolve around the story of the rise from the bottom to the top of Abdel Ghafour Al Borai (Noor Al Sharif), starting from the agency of Hajj Ibrahim Sardinah (Abdul Rahman Abu Zahra) until he becomes a private business owner who makes a fortune, during which he has admired Fatima (Abla Kamel), a saleswoman. Al-Kushari, whom he admired, passes the days and marries Fatima and gives birth to his son Abdel-Wahhab (Mohamed Riyad), and four girls (Sunni, Bahira, Nafisa, and Nazira), and despite the availability of the elements of happiness in the life of Abdel Ghafour Al-Borai, he suffered from the separation of his only son. About him, and Abdel Wahab's insistence on building a very special world away from his father and his influence.
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