Musa and Zeynep had a great love affair and got married years ago. However, while Zeynep is pregnant, she cannot forgive her husband for a mistake and divorces Musa, hiding the fact that she is pregnant. After the divorce, Zeynep tries to survive on her own, raising her daughter Gonca by working as a market vendor and telling her that her father died years ago. Musa, on the other hand, advances his position in the construction industry and moves from business to politics. In the intervening years, Musa loses track of Zeynep and becomes engaged to a journalist. Gonca is now 16 years old and a successful young girl in school life. Zeynep is determined not to ask Musa for help despite the reactions around her and her loneliness. Unaware of each other, father and daughter will learn the truth through a coincidence...
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